Seminar series "Science & Pretzels" at PIK
The PoGS partner PIK (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) continues its seminar series "Science & Pretzels" on January 11, 2012 with a discussion with Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the institute. "Scientific Policy Advice: When the Deaf Talk to the Deaf" is the title of his talk.
Science is mostly about discovering the laws of nature, while technology is sometimes about outwitting those laws. Governance is mostly about maintaining the fundamental values of society, while politics is sometimes about circumventing those values for the sake of organizing majorities. So it seems that scientific research and policy making are sitting at the opposite ends of a vast universe. And yet these cultural systems have to communicate intensively for the global transition to sustainability. A novel contract between science and society may be the crucial milestone on the road forward.
The seminar takes place on Wednesday, 11th January 2012, 17:00h at Telegraphenberg, Science Park Albert Einstein, building A31, Cupola.
Please register
Please register for participation since there is limited seating. Contact the organizers at, giving your name, institution or Research Domain, and status (PhD student, PostDoc, etc). You will get a confirmation by email or be placed on a waiting list. Registration will be kept open until three days before the seminar. The allocation of places will be made according to the receipt of applications ("first come, first served"), but with priority for PhD students and with 15 places reserved for external students. If you are not a PhD student but interested in participation please contact us. You will be notified whether participation is possible.
How to get there?